Jenga Nasi Loan

This product is intended for clients who wish to construct and own their residential houses. The product enables the client to buy and develop land, and or construct a residential house and related infrastructure such as sewage, water, electricity wiring and other necessary structures. This product essentially caters for incremental building starting gradually extending other rooms after completing repaying their previous loan instalments. In constructing their own house, clients may use their own contractors or an in-house construction unit from MMCL-FL.

Jenga Nasi Loan Requirements & Agreements

1. Immediate resolution of domestic or business emergencies.
2. Be an Individual or SME businesses.
3. Be our client Good repayment history &/ Be guarantee by existing client.
4. Required documents such as ID, business registration (if applicable).
5. Demonstration of the nature and urgency of the emergency.

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