Daka Kiwanja Loan

This product is intended for clients who wish to purchase a land plot for residential house construction or for other developments related to housing and settlements immediately or at future period. Under this product, clients can purchase land from MMCL-FL’s land bank or stock or from other suppliers such as real estate dealers, companies and individuals. The land or land plots to be purchased must be surveyed and or has tittle deed and the Client shall be responsible to pay land rent and other taxes effective from the date of obtaining the title deed.

Daka Kiwanja Loan Requirements & Agreements

1. Immediate resolution of domestic or business emergencies.
2. Be an Individual or SME businesses.
3. Be our client Good repayment history &/ Be guarantee by existing client.
4. Required documents such as ID, business registration (if applicable).
5. Demonstration of the nature and urgency of the emergency.

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